The Winston/Terrell Group

Alabama - Arizona - California - Colorado - Georgia - Illinois - Kentucky - Louisiana - Maryland - Massachusetts - Mississippi - Missouri - Nevada - New Jersey - New York - North Carolina - Ohio - Oregon - Pennsylvania - Virginia - Washington - Washington, DC

Political Campaigns

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Our firm is composed of individuals with proven and successful experience on political campaigns.  Principals include a former Chair of a state’s political party; a political director for a Governor; and an executive staffer to the Superintendent of Public Instruction of a Midwestern state.  Listed below are successful campaigns that have involved our principals as advisors and/or consultants:

  • City Council

  • Mayor

  • County Commissioner

  • State Representative

  • State Senator

  • Judge

  • County Prosecutor

  • Attorney General

  • Superintendent of Public Instruction

  • Governor

  • Congress

  • U.S. Senator

  • President

1449 North Pennsylvania Street ● Indianapolis, IN 46202 ● 317.917.1953 (office) ● 317.917.2116 (fax)